Friday, January 29, 2016

The Kindness of Strangers

One thing I have been blessed enough to learn in living with Chronic Kidney Disease is to see the good in things. While this is not always easy, I think that many of us in everyday life get so caught up in our activities and stresses that we tend to overlook the little stuff that makes this world such an amazing place to exist. When someone with a chronic illness wakes up in the morning most often they are immediately thankful. We've been blessed with yet one more day to share ourselves with the world! While those of you who have circumstances in your life that make you unhappy may wake up angry or resentful, not eager to get out of bed and greet this brand new baby day that you have been gifted. Your eyes did not open on their own this morning my friends, you were part of God's plan for the day and so you were awoken, you did not simply "wake up" on accident or of your own will. So this is your gift, and what will you do with it?

As many of you know I have been raising money to qualify for placement on the national wait list for a donor kidney. Because of my 80/20 insurance coverage (Medicare covers 80% and I am responsible for 20%) and the fact that I do not qualify for state Medicaid coverage until I pay $1314 monthly out of pocket, I was given an exact figure that I had to have in an account to prove that I would have AT LEAST 6 months of post transplant expenses covered because I am not married, I have no assets, and I have no other means of financial support. This figure also includes the $4700 "doughnut hole" in my prescription coverage that I will also have to pay prior to Humana kicking in and covering my necessary immunosuppressive medication. Without this medication, the kidney will reject and the surgery would have been for nothing so it is IMPERATIVE that I am able to maintain taking this medication for the rest of my life, or the life of the transplant itself. After adding together all of these figures, the price on my head was $12,584.00 That was the exact amount that my life is worth to the insurance companies and without this money I can and have been held off of the national wait list.

During the period of time that has elapsed since beginning the testing and evaluation process and raising these funds just about 5,280 people have been added to the list ahead of me on a list of over 123,000 people all waiting for the same thing, the gift of life. You may be wondering how I get this figure and I will be happy to explain. You see, an average of 22 people are added to the list each day and I began my evaluation with Tampa General on May 11, 2015 which was just over 8 months ago or approximately 240 days and with 22 people added daily that is how I arrive at the figure. Now mind you that is merely an estimate because there is also another 10 people or so each day who lose their battle while waiting but every 10 minutes another name is added to replace them. The shortage of available organs for those who are waiting to live has now become an epidemic leaving people like me to take our stories to the media to encourage more living donors to come forward and to educate more people on the importance of registering to be an organ donor in the event of their death. Educating and encouraging those who are not registered to sign up has now become a passion of mine. I have joined forces with two organizations to both recruit registrants and to help spread the word about the immediate need for donors and how each and every one of you can help in your own way. Occasionally someone feels especially moved by my story and the true kindness of strangers, the sort that restores your faith in humanity, occurs. Enter David Hernandez and his team over at Trendnation.

On January 27th David Hernandez probably woke up and went about his business like he would any other day. Only this day, he may not have had any idea just how much his seemingly simple act of kindness would touch the lives of two very lucky individuals and inspire many more to do the same. You see, David came across an ad for an item I was selling on e-Bay which just happened to be an item that is produced by an company affiliated with the very company that David works for. Something within him encouraged him to not only purchase the item and message me to keep it for myself, but he also expressed an interest in helping me further after following the link to my website in my e-Bay ad and reading my why I was selling my items to begin with. David not only purchased the item and allowed me to keep it for my own enjoyment, but he took his generosity and kindness a step further by also making a donation to both my fundraising account, and the account of Richard, the featured patient on my website who is also suffering from kidney disease. But David did not stop there! After having just shared with me his very own financial restrictions and how the company itself just had to do come cut backs he rallied a group of coworkers together, shared my story with them, and I received several more donations from the employees of Trend Nation totaling just about $215!! All because one man chose to make a difference. He didn't think about how big or how little his show of support was, he just wanted to do what he could with what he had. Something that we can ALL do right where we are. So I encourage you today to be more like David. Take the gift of this day and share it with the world. If that means calling an old friend and reconnecting just to tell them how much you care, paying for the person's order behind you, volunteering your time to a cause that ignites your passion, or making a contribution to someone you know is in need.

We have all the tools necessary within our reach to influence change and we can make the world great again through the simple act of being kind and loving to one another the way God meant it to be.

Big thanks to Brad & Melanie Howard, Erika Szymanowski, Dan Brownsher, Victor A Perez Arevalo, Luis Villarino, David Hernandez, and the rest of the team over at Trend Nation. And please go check out the array of products that the amazingly generous team at Trend Nation have to offer via their websites below!

Reusable Revolution
Health in Style
Wallet Nation
Trend Nation

Love, Blessings, & Eternal Gratitude,


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